Instructions to authors
When submitting the final version of your article to the editors, please note the following:
1. The first page should include the title, the author's name and a note starting the author's institutional affiliation E-mail and address as well as acknowledgments of comments, grants etc.
2. The second page should contain an abstract of not more than 100 words and between one and four JEL-codes
3. The next page should start with the title of the article followed the text. The paper should start without a subtitle (eg. "introduction"). Subtitles should not be numbered. Titles of the first level should be in bold types. Titles of the second level should be underlined or in italics. Text that is underlined will be set in italics. Use double spacing and wide margins. Do not align the right margin. Stick to one size and style throughout the paper (example Times Roman 12)
4. Notes should be included as footnotes at the bottom of the pages in the text and numbered from 1 onwards (the note on the title page with institutional affiliation and acknowledgments not included). Please restrict the number of footnotes. Simple references should be made in the text according to the suggestions on the next page.
5. References should be made according to the enclosed examples. Italics may be substituted by underline.
6. All tables and figures should be enclosed at the end of the article. Reference to table and figure numbers as well as the titles should be made in the text. Tables should be as clean as possible without vertical and horizontal lines. Preferably they should be made using tabulators only. Figures should be in black and white. They should be professionally made and set on separate pages. If possible, include a file containing the numbers underlying the curves etc.
7. Please supply an original (unstapled directly from the printer) as well as a stapled copy. The paper should be accompanied by an electronic version on a diskette. Please state what kind of word processing program (incl. version) which is used. Include your E-mail address in the delivery as well.
8. References should be made directly in the text "...(Freeman, 1986)..." or "...according to Freeman (1986)...". Include all authors when there are no more than three authors "...(Bredenkamp and Deppler, 1990)...". When there are four or more authors, use et al. References to specific pages should be as follows: "...(Freeman, 1986:93)..." or "...(Freeman, 1986:94-96)...". The list of references should be in alphabetic order and according to the style suggested by the following examples:
Freeman, R. B. 1986. "The effect of the union wage differential on management opposition and union organizing success", American Economic Review, 76(2):92-96.
Elster, J. 1989. The Cement of Society, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Agell, J. and K. E. Lommerud, 1993. "Egalitarianism and growth", Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 95:559-579.
Ravn, M.O. and J.R. Sørensen, 1994. Minimum wages: curse or blessing? Memo 1994-32. Department of Economics, University of Aarhus.
Bredenkamp, H. and M. Deppler, 1990. Fiscal constraints of a fixed exchange regime. In Argy, V. and P. De Grauwe (eds), Choosing an Exchange Rate Regime: The Challenge for Smaller Industrial Countries, International Monetary Fund, Washington.